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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 10

Andr Rougier, Alan M. Goldberg, Howard I Maibach Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

    In Vitro Skin Toxicology Irritation, Phototoxicity, Sensitization     Preface A. Rougier, A.M. Goldber, and H.I. Maibach Part One: Irritation General AspectsPrimary Cutaneous Irritation: Clinical, Biology, and ExperimentalJ.D. Harvell and H.I. MaibachBioengineering Methods to Evaluate In Vivo Skin Irritation: Application… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 10

    Alternative Methods In Toxicology 5

    Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      In Vitro Toxicology Approaches to Validation   Preface Acknowledgements Contributing Authors Part One: Symposium Presentations Theoretical Approaches to ValidationRobert A. ScalaValidation as Applied to In Vitro ToxicologyJohn O. RundellThe Interplay Among Validation, Policy, and RegulationRichard N. HillDiffusion of a New… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 5

      Alternative Methods In Toxicology 1

      Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

        Product Safety Evaluation   Part One The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal TestingAlan GoldbergHistorical Perspective on Safety TestingJacqueline Karnell CornLegal Requirements for Safety Testing of CosmeticsStephen H. McNamaraRegulatory Considerations Regarding Safety TestingAlbert C. KolbyeIndustrial Practices in Safety TestingEdward… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 1

        Nuffield Council on Bioethics

        Nuffieldbioethics 자료유형:DVD/CD 열람방법:무료/방문

           The Nuffield Council on Business was established in 1991. It owes its existence to the foresight of the Trustees of the Nuffield Foundation and the subsequent support, since 1994 of the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust. The Council’s reputation… 더 보기 »Nuffield Council on Bioethics

          Animal Experiments

          FRAME 자료유형:DVD/CD 열람방법:무료/방문

            What are the alternatives?     1. Animal Experiment 1  3:452. Life                            3:443. Dogs                          3:544. Gods                         4:085. Vivisection                3:586. Snakes                      4:277. Zoo                            6:128. Panther                      5:069. Genetic Engineers     4:1510. Walking the Dog       4:3211. Asteroid                   5:5912. Whale                       3:14

            Animal Welfare

            UFAW 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

              Volume 26 Issue 2 May 2017   The welfare of ducks during foie gras production. I Rochlitz and DM BroomThe concept of behavioural needs in contemporary fur science: do we know what American mink (Mustela vison) really need? AL Kornum,… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare