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Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare

UFAW 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

    Volume 26 Issue 2 May 2017   The welfare of ducks during foie gras production. I Rochlitz and DM BroomThe concept of behavioural needs in contemporary fur science: do we know what American mink (Mustela vison) really need? AL Kornum,… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare

    Scientific Perspectives on Animal Welfare

    W. Jean Dodds, F. Barbara Orlans Academic Press 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      Introduction 1Toward Refinement Replacement and Reduction in the Care 7The Investigators Responsibilities in Research Using Animals 19

      The Unheeded Cry

      Bernard E. Rollin Oxford University Press 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

        Animal Consciousness Animal Pain and Science   Science common sense and the common sense 1Can common sense ever correct science? 13Conclusion 20Aspects of change in science and philosophy 52The tortuous path from Romanes to Watson 74the ideology cashed out 1… 더 보기 »The Unheeded Cry

        Animal Welfare

        John Webster Blackwell Science 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

          Preface; Part I: Introduction – Man’s Dominion Over the Animals; Introduction; Man’s Dominion; Part II: Analysis – How Is It For Them?; Animal Mind and Aminal Suffering; Hunger and Thirst; Housing and Habitat; Pain, Sickness and Death; Friends, Foes; Fears… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare

          Animal Welfare, Ethics and te 3Rs

          Dave Lewis University of Leeds 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

            Training materials and resources   CONTENTSPrefaceCan the use of animals in scientific research be justified?Discussion seminar for teaching animal ethics/law to students who use isolated tissuesin their studiesScience and Society: Can the use of animals in research be justified?A debate… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare, Ethics and te 3Rs

            Animal Alternatives, Welfare and Ethics

            L.F.M. Van Zutphen, M. Balls Elsevier 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

              Hardbound. The objective of this conference was to: – provide a global overview of the present status of replacement alternatives, reduction alternatives and refinement alternatives; – review the progress that has been made with respect to their implementation within the… 더 보기 »Animal Alternatives, Welfare and Ethics