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Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue3)

The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

    Can substrate in early rearing prevent feather pecking in adult laying hens? pp. 305-314(10)  Authors: de Jong, IC; Reuvekamp, BFJ; Gunnink, H Australia s ethical framework for when animals are used for scientific purposes  pp. 315-322(8)  Authors: Rose, M; Grant,… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue3)

    Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue2)

    The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      Effect of housing and husbandry practices on adrenocortical activity in captive Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis)  pp. 159-165(7)  Authors: Fanson, KV; Wielebnowski, NC Causes of loss or retirement from active duty for New Zealand police German shepherd dogs  pp. 166-173(8)  Authors:… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue2)

      Animal Welfare (vol. 23, Issue3)

      The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

        The effects of simulated transport on the behaviour of eastern blue tongued lizards (Tiliqua scincoides)  pp. 239-249(11)  Authors: Mancera, K; Murray, PJ; Gao, YN; Lisle, A; Phillips, CJC A comparison of handling methods relevant to the religious slaughter of sheep … 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 23, Issue3)

        Animal Welfare (Vol. 23, Issue2)

        UFAW 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

          Captive bears are prone to developing dental pathology for resons including longevity, inappropriate diet, trauma, and stereotypical bar biting. Behavioural assessment of dental pain in captive Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus)  pp. 131-140(10)  Authors: Fleming, M; Burn, CC Sedation of… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (Vol. 23, Issue2)

          The IACUC handbook(second)

          Jerald Silverman, Mard A. Suckow, Sreekant Murthy CRC PRESS(Taylor & Francis Group) 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문


            Jerrold Tannenbaum 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문