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3Rs Alternatives

from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse

Nick Jukes, Mihnea Chiuia InterNICHE 자료유형:PDF 열람방법:무료/다운로드

    alternative methods for a progressive, humane education Introduction Part A: Alternative methods and curricular transformation 1. Types of alternative and their pedagogical impact 2. The broader impact of humane education 3. Assessment of alternatives in education, Jonathan Balcombe 4. Curricular… 더 보기 »from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse

    Alternatives to Animal Testing

    Christoph A. Reinhardt VCH 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      New Ways in the Biomedical Sciences, Trends and Progress   Contents  [hide] 1 Types1.1 Cell culture and tissue engineering1.1.1 Skin corrosion and skin irritation1.1.2 Skin absorption1.1.3 Phototoxicity1.2 Human-based1.2.1 Skin irritation1.2.2 Pyrogenicity1.2.3 Modular immune in vitro construct1.3 Computer simulation1.4 Medical imaging1.5… 더 보기 »Alternatives to Animal Testing