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3Rs Alternatives

Animal Welfare, Ethics and te 3Rs

Dave Lewis University of Leeds 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

    Training materials and resources   CONTENTSPrefaceCan the use of animals in scientific research be justified?Discussion seminar for teaching animal ethics/law to students who use isolated tissuesin their studiesScience and Society: Can the use of animals in research be justified?A debate… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare, Ethics and te 3Rs

    The Eurl Ecvam Search Guide

    Annett J. Roi, Barbara Grune Joint Research Centre 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      Good Search Practive on Animal Alternaives     How best to search information on the 3Rs (replacement, reduction, refinement of animal use) in the WWWMaking full use of all sources of information on alternative methods is a key part of… 더 보기 »The Eurl Ecvam Search Guide

      Animal Test Alternatives

      Harry Salem Marcel Dekker, Inc. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

        Refinement. Reduction. Replacement   Over 75 contributors from industry, academia, and government evaluate the latest developments and possible directions in alternatives to using animals in research and testing, and explain the regulatory climate that surrounds the controversial topic. Among the… 더 보기 »Animal Test Alternatives

        Alternative Methods In Toxicology 9

        Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

          In Vitro Toxicology : Tenth Anniversary Symposium of CAAT     Part One: Symposium Presentations In Vitro Approaches to NeurotoxicityCholinergic Cell Lines as Models for Testing Drug Efficacy and ToxicityJ.K. Blusztajin, A. Venturini, D.A. Jackson, U. Schuler, H.J. Lee, and… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 9

          Alternative Methods In Toxicology 8

          Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

            In Vitro Toxicology : Mechanisms and New Technology     Part One: Symposium Presentations Mechanisms of Tissue InjuryArachidonic Acid Metabolites and Phagocytic Cells as Mediators of Tissue InjuryH.J. Forman and T.W. RobisonMolecular Studies of n-Hexane and Carbon Disulfide NeuropathiesD.G. Graham,… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 8

            Alternative Methods In Toxicology 7

            Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

              In Vitro Toxicology : New Directions     Part One: Sympopsium Presentations Use of In Vitro Methods in Product DevelopmentIn Vitro Approaches to Drug DiscoveryUse of In Vitro Assays to Define the Malignant Activities of Tumor Cells and to Screen… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 7

              Alternative Methods In Toxicology 6

              Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

                Progress In In Vitro Toxicology   Part One: Sympopsium Presentations Epidermal ToxicitySkin ToxicityL.A. GoldsmithProteinase Biology in Keratinocyte Culture: Possible Utility as a Model for Toxicological TestingG.S. LazarusTestskin: A Hybrid Organism Covered by a Living Human Skin Equivalent DEsigned for Toxicity… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 6

                Alternative Methods In Toxicology 4

                John M. Frazier, Shayne C. Gad, Alan M. Goldberg, James P. Mcculley Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

                  A Critical Evaluation of Alternatives To Acute Ocular Irritation Testing   Summary and RecommendationsHistorical Perspective on Eye Irritation TestingCurrent In Vivo Testing Protocols, Procedures, and PracticesAdequacy of Current In Vivo MethodsPotential Approaches for the Development of In Vitro Alternatives to… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 4

                  Alternative Methods In Toxicology 2

                  Alan M. Goldberg Mary Ann Liebert, Ins. 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

                    Acute Toxiity Testing : Alternative Approaches   Part One: Acute Toxicity Testing Acute Toxicity Testing, PurposeGerhard ZbindenAcute Toxicity Testing, PracticeThomas E. HickeyRegulatory Uses of Acute Toxicity DataPaul H. LaFlammeThe FRAME Research Programme on In Vitro CytotoxicologyMichael Balls and James W.… 더 보기 »Alternative Methods In Toxicology 2