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- 단계 : 초등 | 중고등 | 대학교
- 실험동물종 : Dog | Cat | Rabbit | Rat | Fetal Pig | Pig | Sheep | Cow | Horse | Bird | Fish | Frog | Starfish | Squeed | Worm | Fly | Grasshopper
- 주제 : Anatomy&Dissection | Physiology | Veterinary Training
- 종류 : Book /Poster /Chart | Model/Mannikin | Paer Model | Software/App | Webpage
CopyCat Feline Anatomy Model
합성 근육, 힘줄, 뼈를 포함한 고양이 전신 해부 모형으로, 장기는 교체가능합니다. The Syndaver CopyCat® pairs SynTissue® organs with a silicone chassis and is intended to replace the use of cat cadavers in middle and high school dissection (non-biohazard and ethically sound). Its replaceable SynTissue® organs extend the useful life of this model indefinitely. Download the…
Paper Dissection – Scienstructable 3D Dissection Model
Anatomy&Dissection, Bird, Cat, Clam, Crayfish, Earthworm, Eye, Fetal Pig, Fish, Frog, Grasshopper, Paper model, Pig, Rat, Shark, Snake, Sponge, Squid, Starfish, 초등해부없이 해부를 경험할 수 있는 3D 해부모델로, 강의자료로 쓸 수 있는 PPT자료, 유인물이 포함되어 있습니다. 학생들은 해부구조를 학습하고, 자료를 색칠하고, 자르고, 3D로 조립할 수 있습니다. Starfish Bird Cat Clam Crayfish Fetal Pig Frog Grasshopper Perch Rat Shark Snake Squid Earthworm Eye Sponge
Cat Explorer
가상현실(VR) 상호작용을 통해 직관적으로 고양이의 내부를 관찰할 수 있는 애플리케이션입니다. This virtual reality app requires the use of a VR Headset connected to a PC, a mounted Leap Motion Controller or Stereo IR 170 (using the VR Developer Mount or unofficial alternative), and the Ultraleap Gemini (V5) software. VR interactions have the potential to be easier and more intuitive…
Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
그래픽 기반의 가상의 개구리를 해부하고, 각 장기에 대해 학습할 수 있는 웹사이트로, 학습내용에 대한 교육자료, 시스템 작동법에 대한 안내와 학습한 내용을 확인할 수 있는 게임을 제공합니다.
The eMind Tutorial Series
The eMind Tutorial Series lessons are highly interactive and adaptive. Users progress through each unit at their own pace and are directed forward through the lesson or back to review based on their responses to questions. The follow sixteen units are included: Biomolecules, Cells and Organelles, Membranes and Transport, Chromosomes and Mitosis, Meiosis, Genetics and Patterns of…
3D Anatomy
Biosphera has been developing scientific illustrations and software since 2011. 3D Horse Anatomy The 3D Horse Anatomy software (desktop version) is a virtual horse designed especially for students, teachers, veterinary clinics, horse farms and equestrian professionals. 3D dog Anatomy The 3D Dog Anatomy software (desktop version) consists of a virtual dog designed especially for students,…