Approximately 2/3 natural size. One side shows the skin, the other the muscular system. The left half of the head, the right and left ear, and the left foreleg are removable. After removing the abdominal wall, the topography of the thoracic and abdominal organs are displayed. Separates into: left half of lungs, heart (2 parts), stomach, small instestine (2 parts), and uterus. Comprises 13 parts. On a green base.

Agricultural Animal Models : Rabbit
Natural size, after a white buck rabbit which had won many prizes. Separates into two halves medially. The right side shows the pelt, the left half the muscular system and the topography of the thoracic and abdominal intestines which are removable. Separates into 8 parts. On a green base.

Agricultural Animal Models : Hen
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Modelled from a natural skeleton. The right side shows the plumage; the left side the organs. The torso can be easily removed from the plumage to show the muscular system. The following internal organs are removable: left lung, part of the liver, stomach. Comprises 5 parts. On a green base.