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ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animal(vol.50, No.1)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 FRAME
  • 출판일 January 2022
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어


    Editorial 3

    Spotlight on Three Rs Progress 5

    Resources Round-up 8

    50th Anniversary Article

    Alternatives to Laboratory Animals: Trends in Replacement and the Three Rs 10
    Michael Balls

    Research Articles

    Coculture of ARPE-19 Cells and Porcine Neural Retina as an Ex Vivo Retinal Model 27
    Natalie Wagner, Armin Safaei, Pia A. Vogt, Maurice R. Gammel, H. Burkhard Dick, Sven Schnichels and Stephanie C. Joachim

    Extension of the Virtual Cell Based Assay from a 2-D to a 3-D Cell Culture Model 45
    Ewa Bednarczyk, Yanfei Lu, Alicia Paini, Sofia Batista Leite, Leo A. van Grunsven, Andrew Worth and Maurice Whelan


    Adapting to Changes in Publishing When Searching for Alternatives and Reporting on Animal Research: A
    Librarian’s Perspective 57
    Melissa A. Ratajeski and Rebekah S. Miller

    Towards More Human and Humane Testing: The Role of the Device Supplier Industry 62
    Karina Cuanalo-Contreras and Dennis Benkmann

    How to Foster ‘New Approach Methodology’ Toxicologists 71
    Tatyana Y. Doktorova, Pamela Azzi, Joelle Hofer, Catherine J. Messner, Carine Gaiser, Sophie Werner, Pranika Singh, Barry Hardy, Laura Suter-Dick and Christophe Chesne

    Conference Diary 76

    ATLA Best Poster Award 77

    Thanks to Reviewers 78