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  • 저자 P. Elsner, H. F. Merk, H.I. Maibach
  • 출판사 Springer
  • 출판일 1999
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Controled Efficacy Studies and Regulation


    Table of contents (25 chapters)
    Cosmetic Claim Substantiation in the United States: Legal Considerations
    McEwen, G. N. (et al.)
    Pages 3-19
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    The Contribution of the European Cosmetics Directive Towards International Harmonization: Impact on the Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy
    Masson, Ph.
    Pages 20-35
    Claim Support in Japan: Legal Aspects
    Tagami, H.
    Pages 36-49
    Claim Support: Ethical Aspects for Conducting Human Studies
    Zuang, V.
    Pages 50-54
    In Vivo Evaluation of the Hydration State of the Skin: Measurements and Methods for Claim Support
    Barel, A. O. (et al.)
    Pages 57-80
    Oily Skin: Claim Support Strategies
    Rizer, R. L.
    Pages 81-91
    On the Problems of In Vivo Cleansing of the Human Skin
    Schrader, K.
    Pages 92-106
    Methods for Antiperspirant and Deodorant Efficacy Evaluations
    Wild, J. E. (et al.)
    Pages 107-115
    Gabard, B.
    Pages 116-134
    Self- or Sunless Tanning Lotions
    Levy, S. B.
    Pages 135-139
    Haustein, U.-F. (et al.)
    Pages 140-155
    Efficacy of Barrier Creams (Skin Protective Creams)
    Zhai, H. (et al.)
    Pages 156-166
    Rona, C. (et al.)
    Pages 167-174
    Methods for Claim Support in Cosmetology: Hair Cosmetics
    Wolfram, L. J.
    Pages 175-186
    Racial Differences in Skin Function: Related to Claim Support
    Berardesca, E. (et al.)
    Pages 187-196
    The In Vivo Biomechanical Testing of the Skin and the Cosmetological Efficacy Claim Support: A Critical Overview
    Rodrigues, L.
    Pages 197-208
    Skin Gloss Metry
    Wienert, V.
    Pages 209-214
    Hypoallergenic Cosmetics
    Engasser, P. G. (et al.)
    Pages 217-221
    The Use of Sensitive Skin Panels to Substantiate Cosmetic Claims
    Jackson, E. M.
    Pages 222-225
    Fragrances Between Allergic, Hypoallergic,and Irritant: In Vitro Studies
    Sieben, S. (et al.)
    Pages 226-240
    Contact Urticaria Syndrome and Claims Support
    Bashir, S. J. (et al.)
    Pages 241-250
    Neumann, N. J. (et al.)
    Pages 251-267
    Piérard-Franchimont, C. (et al.)
    Pages 268-274
    Antimicrobial and Preservative Efficacy
    Heinzel, M.
    Pages 275-290
    Combes, R. D.
    Pages 291-308