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Ethical Future

  • 저자 Kate Millar, Pru Hobson West, Brigitte Nerlich
  • 출판사 Wageningen Academic Publishers
  • 출판일 2009
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Social justice in sustainable food initiatives: an inquiry
    Animal futures: the changing face of animal ethics
    Agrifood nanotechnology: is this anything?
    Theme 1 ? Governance of the food system: ethical challenges
    Overcoming the moral psychology of denial: how to communicate more effectively about food ethics
    Consequences of the EC framework of health claims made on food: are we protecting the consumer by means of human trials?
    Developing an ethical aquaculture food index for international food trade
    Exploring a mode of agri-food governance: international food standard setting and expertise
    An ethical reflection on the thoughts of Asbj›rn Eide on the right to food
    The European Common Agricultural Policy, obesity, and organic farming
    Theme 2 ? Climate change and the future of farming
    The price of responsibility: ethics in a time of climate change
    Climate change and the future of farming: challenges from urban agriculture
    Animal agriculture and climate change: ethical perspectives
    Animal ethics in a time of climate changes
    Theme 3 ? The ethics of bioenergy: research and technology development
    Technological innovation and social responsibility: challenges to Bavarian Agriculture and the provision of bioenergy
    Keeping warm in an ethical way ? is it acceptable to use food crops as fuel?
    Use of Italian national food survey to estimate CO2 emissions related to ?out of season? consumption: kiwifruits as a case study
    Theme 4 ? Animal futures: welfare and ethics
    Culling of day-old chicks: opening the debates of Moria?
    Ethical principles for the use of animals in Austrian legislation
    Conserving poultry biodiversity: choosing is not always losing! 130
    Comparative analysis of the inclusion of animal ethics in European animal welfare policy-making
    Principles of animal ethics in Norwegian legislation and governance
    Ethics for vets: can ethics help to improve animal disease control?
    Can improved ethical labelling boost the consumption of animal welfare-friendly meat products? Experiences from the Danish market for eggs and pork
    Bringing evidence into public deliberations on animal research: the case of research animals used in the development of food for obese people
    Can killing be justified: a dismissal of the replaceability argument
    In vitro meat ? some moral issues
    Theme 5 ? Innovation in animal ethics teaching
    A framework to address conflicts in veterinary responsibilities
    How to assess what comes out of ethics teaching in veterinary science programmes
    www.animalethicsdilemma.net: a learning resource for university lecturers in animal sciences and veterinary medicine
    A skill-based approach to the teaching of ethics in the life sciences ? experiences from Denmark
    Teaching animal ethics to veterinary students in Europe: examining aims and methods
    Theme 6 ? Sustainability in food production
    Awareness and attitudes of consumers to sustainable food
    Agricultural entrepreneurship and sustainability ? is it a good or bad fit?
    Food production and sustainability
    ?ALMO?: a bottom-up approach in agricultural innovation
    Sustaining ethical trade in farmed aquatic products between Asia and the EU
    Use of traditional techniques in food production: market competitiveness and sustainability in an Italian case study
    Care and responsibility as key concepts of agricultural ethics
    Governing scarce water: what should retailers do?
    Food distribution: exploring ethical futures
    Theme 7 ? Concepts of risk, trust and safety in the food system
    Food industry: risk factory in the risk society?
    Five steps to trustworthiness
    Cisgenic crops: more natural, more acceptable
    Ambiguous food products: consumers? views on enhanced meat
    How can consumer trust in organic products be enhanced?
    Theme 8 ? Global food security
    Global food security: should agricultural research change its perspective?
    The food professional?s dilemma: a healthy diet or a healthy profit?
    Food insecurity, human rights, and gender inequalities
    Food security and genetically modified crops: oversimplified answers to complex riddles?
    Theme 9 ? Participatory methods and ethical analysis in biotechnology appraisal
    Evaluating participatory methods
    New epistemologic perspectives in biotechnology ethics: the case of GM fish
    The normative evaluation of the societal interface group
    Are consumers? expectations of ?GMO-free? labels answered by production qualities?
    Theme 10 ? Foundational issues in agriculture and food ethics
    The 6 F?s of agriculture
    Insidious ignorance or burst of biophilia: cultural uses of educational farms in Norway
    Ethics as a concern in agriculture and food research funding programmes of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche
    Beauchamp and Childress? four principles applied to animal ethics issues
    The ethical diversity of Europe: from cause for embarrassment to source of enlightenment
    Ethical food: moral or practical dilemma?
    Theme 11 ? Ethical matrix development
    One step beyond the ethical matrix: the sequel on ethical frameworks
    Applying the ethical matrix method: learning from experience
    Natural law and the ethical matrix: putting theory into practice
    Use of ethical matrices in formulating policies to address the obesity crisis
    Theme 12 ? Ethical dimensions of organic food and farming
    Communication of ethical activities going beyond organic standards in European organic enterprises
    A conceptual framework for the communication of ethical values going beyond standards in organic farming
    Consumers? preferences for ethical values of organic food
    Testing of communication tools on ethical values with focus groups
    Theme 13 ? Other contributions
    Functional bodies, functional foods: how will health be re-defined?
    Efforts of the international community to address the issue of food security against the background of global environmental change
    Farmers and professional autonomy: from human right to civil duty
    Short supply chains as a criterion for sustainable food production and consumption
    Moral consideration of plants for their own sake